Burkina Faso Energy Situation
1.1 Energy Sector
In Burkina Faso, more than 80% of the energy supply is covered by biomass (wood and charcoal). As the population is growing, the pressure on forest resources is growing as well. Due to lacking alternatives the consumption of fuelwood particularly in urban areas increases continuously; On average, it makes about 0,69 kg of wood per person and per day. Moreover, the urban population desires cooking with charcoal instead of wood. This increases the demand for wood in rural areas, where charcoal is produced. In those rural and peri urban areas, the consumption of wood-fuel for cooking purposes accounts for nearly 100%.
As all other CILSS (Permanent Interstate Comitee for Draught Control in the Sahel) member states, Burkina Faso has elaborated a national strategy for household energy. The main strategic orientations deal with viable forest ressources management, liberation of the market for substitutes (gas and petrol), fiscal reform and promotion of economic cooking equipments. The national Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) also treats energy issues broadly as the necessity to improve access to reliable and affordable services for the poor. Their needs for electrification, modern household fuels and management of traditional biomass are given priority.
The West African regional program of UNDP "Regional Program for the Traditional Energy Sector" (RPTES) is targeting the topic of household energy as well. At present a new phase is in preparation and should start in the beginning of 2008. Funds have been initiated by World Bank to examine politics, strategies and programs concerning traditional energy and to assist African Governments in their planification of the development of this sector. In Burkina Faso the program will comprise different components on electrification, biomass and renewable energy.