Improved Cookstoves Programs in Malawi (EnDev)
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About Energising Development
Energising Development (EnDev) is an energy access partnership programme currently financedby six donor countries – the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Australia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland – which have provided EUR 263.26 million.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH acts as a lead agency for the coordination and implementation of the programme and jointly coordinates with the Netherlands Enterprise
Agency (RVO) on the global level, as well as other implementation partners on the country level.
Malawi as one beneficiary of the Energising Development programme, has gained access to this partnership since 2012 with the overall aim as to enable sustainable energy access to all. EnDev Malawi which is located in Lilongwe has pionered/coordinated projects, and assists in product market awareness compaigns among others. Its approach has been to involve well established non governmental organisations in the energy sector to implement its projects. Activities that it is involved in can be categorised into three. The Result Based Finance, National Cookstove Steering Committee Support and Commercialisation of Energy Products.
Project Approach
EnDev Malawi is working to promote a financially sustainable market for improved cooking stoves in urban and peri-urban areas. To do this, it is carrying out measures to strengthen both the supply and the demand side. Demand-side activities focus on generating greater consumer interest in the ceramic, wood-burning stove known locally as the ‘Chitetezo Mbaula’ stove. On the supply side, EnDev Malawi through its NGO partners provides training and skills for the craftsmen who produce the stove. A local non-governmental organisation, MAEVE, connects production to demand by liaising between the small-scale stove producers and large urban sales outlets such as supermarkets and filling stations.
The Government of Malawi has launched an initiative to get as many as two million energy-efficient stoves installed in Malawian homes by 2020. EnDev Malawi is advising the National Cookstove Taskforce on the implementation of this initiative.
In a separate component, EnDev is running a national awareness campaign to support the wider take-up of high quality solar lighting products (solar lanterns and lighting kits), with a target of reaching 100,000 people, mainly in rural areas.
By December 2014, nearly 93,654 people had gained access to improved forms of energy for cooking, as a result of the project. The number of stoves manufactured by around 50 producer groups and subsequently sold through sales channels introduced by EnDev has risen to 8,000 each month.
The stove-making business has created jobs for nearly 300 women and 100 men.
Lessons Learnt & Outlook
Recently EnDev has started to also promote small solar appliances for lighting and phone charging in cooperation with the private sector. The stove component is building on the experience gained in carrying out the successful marketing campaign for cookstoves. After finalising consultations with solar distributors, a national marketing campaign for high quality solar products which started rolling out in early 2015.
Commercialisation of Solar Pico systems and Cookstoves
Result Based Financing (RBF)
Support the National cookstove Steering Committee
GIS Cookstove Mapping Database
As one way of tracking production and counting energy access, in particular towards the 2 million cookstove access, EnDev is formulating a GIS Cookstove Mapping System for production groups under different organisation within Malawi ofcourse with their consent. The Idea is to capture all the stoves and make it accessible to organisations in Malawi. The database will be easily updated in particular tracking the production as any enumerator will easily track where the production groups exist.