Productive Use of Energy - Approaches of GIZ Projects

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Country/ Project/ technology Type of intervention Service provider/ partner Approach / tools Documents
Afghanistan/ ESRA/ Mini-hydro
  • Planning based on economic potentials
  • Awareness for PURE Business skills + training
  • Networking/Finance
  • Results based monitoring
  • GTZ Nawi
  • NGO (Aga Khan Foundation)
  • BDC
  • Local group of interviewers
  • Afghan consulting companies
  • Survey of socio-economic potentials
  • PURE assessments
  • Identification of entrepreneurs/ product (gatherings, interviews, CEFE-based business training)
  • Business counseling (Technical support, access to finance, assist in market access)
  • Result-based monitoring
  • Productive Use of Renewable Energy in Badakshan province, ESRA Afghanistan
Benin/ PDDC/ grid
  • Awareness raising of MSMEs
  • NGO
  • Tool for PU characterization and investments opportunities analysis, available for 21 activities (upon request)

Tool for PU characterization and investments opportunities analysis (BAR)

Preliminary List of the 21 PU activities (respective tools will be uploaded soon)

Bolivia/ Proagro/ electricity, gas
  • Micro irrigation, HH grid densification
  • Value addition (Transfor)

  • Municipalities, associations,
  • NGOs,
  • Regional govt,
  • Utilities
  • other existing projects
  • Co-financing ($20 / family; $30 / family)
  • Technical assistance
  • Capacity building
  • Trainings
  • Sum to existing projects
  • Productive use promotion
  • Awareness campaign
Energy for the productive sector (Bolivia)
Ghana/ PSED-EPUC/ grid
  • Development of light industrial areas with access
  • Dep 41, Dep 47
  • CEFE
  • AfDB
  • Local Government
  • Utility
  • Business associations
  • Business trainings, CD for Business Associations,
  • Eco-efficiency in MSMEs
Indonesia/ MHPP/ MHP
  • Introduction of new technology (rice husking)
  MHPP Indonesia (2008)  Productive use - lessons 
  • BDS
  • Matchmaking
  • MFI enterprise
  • CD for firms
  • Service providers,
  • Cooperatives
  • Subsidies
  • Business plans
  • Technical support
Uganda/ PREEEP / multi-functional platform (diesel / jatropha oil)
  • Financed part of the acquisition costs
  • Mobilisation of community
  • Identified and financed a Tanzanian NGO to set up the MFP
  • Rural development NGO + farmers group
  • Commercial operator sharing profits with farmers group
  • MoU between community and operator
  • Monitoring tool (hours of operation, fuel consumption etc.)
Brazil/ Angepasste Energienutzung in der Landwirtschaft Minas Gerais/ grid, SHS
  • Development of pilot projects for productive use in on- / off-grid areas
  • Pilot projects regarded as reference models for wider dissemination
  • Regional utility
  • Agricultural extension service
  • Local training institutions
  • National utility Eletrobrás
  • Pilot measures in 3 areas:        1) SHS for “pre-electrification”, 2) efficient irrigation systems,  3) commonly used machinery centers
  • Socio-economic feasibility study
  • Training for users and counterparts + impact monitoring for each pilot measure
  • Dissemination of results, PR-measures
GTZ Brasilien - Energienutzung in der Landwirtschaft
Tibet / Rural Infrastructure and Vocational Training/ small hydro
  • Vocational and technical education
  • Irrigated agriculture
  • Rehabilitation of SHP stations
  • Local communities
  • Educational bureau
  • Water management agency
  • Local banks
  • Financing schemes for electric equipment
  • CEFE business training
  • Technical training

Tibet impact report

China/Tibet Final evaluation 2007