Appropriate Policy Portfolios for (nearly) Mature RES‐E Technologies

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Appropriate Policy Portfolios for (nearly) Mature RES‐E Technologies

Title of Document Appropriate Policy Portfolios for (nearly) Mature RES‐E Technologies
Abstract Aim of this Towards2030-dialogue Report is to identify challenges faced by investors of mature RES-E technologies and to suggest policy options to tackle these challenges.

The challenges addressed in this report are related to factors which affect RES-E deployment in a 2030 timeframe in the EU. The analysis will focus on policy design options that have been proposed in the recent policy discussion.

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English: Appropriate policy portfolios for (nearly) mature RES‐E technologies.pdf

Original Source
Year 2016
Region/Country Europe & Central Asia -
Language(s) English
Document Type Other - Report
Technology General RE
Connection Type Other

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