Market development EE-Lighting

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Developing and industrialising countries are in particular affected by the ongoing increase in energy prices. Thus, their economic and social situation is deteriorating. Especially the poor have to spend a greater amount of their income for energy. Increasing energy prices put a burden on national budgets, causing a lack of money in other areas as health care, education, or infrastructure. Supply shortages furthermore affect productivity and competitiveness of the industry.
The proportion of energy used per entity of the Gross Domestic Product (Energy intensity) is significantly higher in most developing countries than in industrialized countries. The potential energy savings vary from 25-85% depending on the sector and national level of development. Measures resulting in high potential savings could be implemented rapidly and cost efficiently; still they are not carried out.

Baseline assessment

In order to plan the promotion of energy efficient lighting, baseline information to the current market is crucial. This indicates the assessment of the current market situation of Energy Efficient Lighting Systems (ELS) in a country and the supply of services for light planning or electro-technical installations (especially lighting) in buildings. Furthermore such a pre-assessment (baseline) should identify needs for training of electro-technical engineers, energy auditors or/and light-planners in the field of ELS.


Key Words

ELS (Energy Efficient Lighting System)
Market development
Light planning capacities

The study describes the current market situation of ELS (Energy Efficient Lighting Systems) in Kosovo, including the aspects of service provision, market potentials and marketing. The available capacities for light planning in Kosovo are outlined.


Market development
Light planning
Capacity development

The ToR describe work tasks to conduct a study of the current market situation of ELS (Energy Efficient Lighting Systems) in Kosovo, including the aspects of service provision, market potentials, marketing, plus the available capacities for light planning in Kosovo.

ToR ELS market.doc