Solar Energy for Electricity and Heat in Chile - Manuals and Documents

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Guide for an initial evaluation of a PV installation

The guide for the initial evaluation of buildings for the installation of photovoltaic systems provides information on the requirements that a building must meet to install a PV system, how to select a building that deserves a more detailed analysis at the feasibility of installation of a PV system and how to discard the non-feasible buildings.

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Guide for an initial evaluation of a PV installation

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Operation and maintenance of PV systems

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Operation and maintenance of PV systems

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Document Check List pre-inspection TE4

This document provides a detailed list of all aspects of the Check List used by the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) for the verification of power generation projects up to 100 kWp in Chile. It was published in 2017 and is for authorized electrical installers and for companies that install photovoltaic projects, and aims to facilitate a self-assessment prior the inspection of the SEC.

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Guía Check List SEC

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Guideline for a field visit and client requirements

This guideline is addressed to customers and installers of PV systems, and is a suggestion for an evaluation in a field visit. It focuses on small installations with up to 10 kW of installed power, preferably for low voltage clients, and should be completed, ideally, by a professional technician. In this document, the client requirements and the characteristics of the property should be specified. 

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►Ficha visita a terreno y requerimientos del cliente

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Guideline for an offer of photovoltaic systems

This guideline is addressed to photovoltaic installers and is a suggestion for a complete and good offer for residential customers. It focuses on small installations with up to 10 kW of installed capacity, preferably for low voltage clients. 

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►Ficha cotización para sistemas fotovoltaicos

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