PoweringAg Technology Database Help and FAQs

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You can find help on topics such as the objective of the PoweringAg Technology Database, how to use it, its contents as well as how new content can be added.
Click on the question you want answers to in the table of contents on the right.


About 30 % of the energy used worldwide goes into the production and processing of food from field to table. The vast majority of it comes from fossil fuels, being responsible for some 20 % of global greenhouse gas emissions (FAO, 2011. "Energy-Smart Food for People and Climate – Issue Paper"). Concurrently, the world’s population continues to grow, and with it the need for food as well as for energy to produce it. At the same time millions of farmers and processors in developing countries and emerging economies lack access to clean energy technologies.
Against this background, several questions emerge:

  • How can more food be produced with less energy?
  • How can energy use be more efficient?
  • How can the share of renewable energies be increased?

The PoweringAg Technology Database offers an overview of energy technologies that are applied in agricultural value chains, with the aim to offer alternatives to fossil fuel technologies. It addresses energy as well as agriculture experts. Through the quick access on this entry page you can browse for technologies starting either from an agricultural commodity, a source of energy or a value chain activity. For refining your search please use the search function.

How do I use the PoweringAg Technology Database?

The PoweringAg Technology Database allows you to browse, search, add and edit energy technologies that are applied in agricultural value chains, with the aim to offer alternatives to fossil fuel technologies. It addresses experts from energy as well as agriculture. Through the quick access on this entry page you can browse for technologies starting either from an agricultural commodity, a source of energy or a value chain activity. For refining your search please use the search function.


The Browse page provides an overview of all technology examples included in the PoweringAg Technology Database (in alphabetical order). Currently, there are 53 technology applications listed.
You can simply browse through the list or can change to a more focused search via A) the icons agricultural commodity, source of energy or value chain step; or B) via the Search function.


The search function allows a very refined search by applying one or more criteria from various search options. The results will be displayed at the bottom of the page. The search can be reset by clicking on clear form at the bottom of the page before making a new search.


In order to add new technologies you need to register at Energypedia - this is an uncomplicated process, please see here. Once you are signed in you can add new technology examples to the PoweringAg Technology Database by using the respective form. Please include all as much information as possible to categorize and describe the technology. Please consider Energypedia's copyright regulations.

By clicking the "Save Page" button on the bottom of the page, your technology will be added to the platform automatically. Do not forget to press the "Save" at the bottom! Any unsaved changes will be lost!


To edit existing technology data sheets you have to be registered at energypedia.info, see here. Once you are signed in you can edit data sheets via the "Edit with form" button on the top right of each data sheet.


What type of content is available?

The PoweringAg Technology Database allows you to browse, search, add and edit energy technologies that are applied in agricultural value chains, with the aim to offer alternatives to fossil fuel technologies. It addresses experts from energy as well as agriculture.

What kind of content is not included?

The initial data sheets present a starting point. The content is based on a study commissioned by GIZ Powering Agriculture. While this information already offers interesting insights, it should also be noted that the database does not claim to include all relevant information. Rather – the PoweringAg Database offers an overview of available technologies with the most relevant aspects at a glance. For more in depth information detailed wiki articles and/or links are provided.

Will new content be added to the tool?

The GIZ programme Powering Agriculture continues adding new content. However, the database is thought to be an interactive tool, providing the maximum use and benefit for the users. Hence, we strongly encourage users to share their knowledge!

Further, recommendations for missing technologies are welcome (see contact below).

Are there any restrictions on use of the content?

Energypedia works under the copyright of Creative Commons 3.0 and uses the CC-BY-SA licensing scheme for its articles. Under this license, all articles are free to share (i.e.copy, distribute and transmit) and remix by anyone under the conditions that the work must be attributed in the manner specified by the author or licensor and that any result based on these text must be distributed under the same license.

For more information on Energypedia's copyright regulations please see here.


If you have any further questions or feedback on the PoweringAg Technology Database, please feel free to contact Laura.Jakobeit@giz.de or powering.agriculture@giz.de.

Further Information

For more general information on Energypedia please see the FAQs as well as the general Help section.