Solar Energy in Brazil
Brazil has a great potential for solar energy generation, but this is still a developing market. In 2012, the Brazilian Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) published a new resolution (482/2012) to aid the connection of renewable energy systems to the distribution grid. Additionally, it created an energy compensation system internationally known as net metering. For further reading, visit Net Metering in Brazil
In 2014, the government organized the first specific PV auction, followed by others in 2015. In the 10 Year Plan of Energy Expansion 2026, the Energy Research Company (EPE) foresees an annual offer of 1000 MW of solar photovoltaic energy in Brazil by 2020. To read more about the solar auctions, visit Energy Auctions in Brazil.
EPE also produced a report on the technically accepted projects for the 2nd Reserve Energy Auction in 2016, which is available in (English version).pdf English here.
Information on the Brazilian Potential, can be found at América do Sol or Brazilian Solar Atlas