Publication - Policy Briefs in Support of the First SDG7 Review at the UN High-level Political Forum 2018

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Policy Briefs in Support of the First SDG7 Review at the UN High-level Political Forum 2018
United Nations Sustainable Development Platform
International Energy Agency (IEA), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Published in
April 2018
Energy is central to the achievement of both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The High-Level Political Forum in 2018 will serve as a first critical milestone to review progress of SDG7 on energy toward 2030. To support this process and prepare substantive input, DESA, ESCAP and the Government of Thailand jointly convened the Global SDG7 Conference in Bangkok in February 2018. A set of 27 Policy Briefs on SDG7 and its interlinkages with other SDGs have been compiled by the multi-stakeholder SDG7 Technical Advisory Group, composed of experts from governments, UN organisations, international organisations and other stakeholders convened by DESA. This three-part briefing will serve as a global platform to launch the “Accelerating SDG7 Achievement: Policy Briefs in support of the first SDG7 review at the UN High Level Political Forum 2018” and share its key policy messages contained in Summary for Policy Makers.
