Global green economy index

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The Global Green Economy Index™ (GGEI) in 2018 will measure the green economic performance of 130 countries and how experts assess that performance. The GGEI performance index uses quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure how well each country performs on four key dimensions: leadership & climate change, efficiency sectors, markets & investment and the environment. Then, the GGEI perception survey collects assessments from expert practitioners on these same four dimensions. To receive a preview of the new 2018 GGEI and exclusive data packs, please enter your email here.

The GGEI was the first green economy index, launched in 2010, and today is the most widely referenced product of its kind internationally, utilized by policymakers, international organizations, civil society and the private sector. Like many indices, the GGEI is used to benchmark performance, communicate areas that need improvement, and show diverse stakeholders how they too can promote progress. The GGEI is particularly relevant today as countries aiming to realize new emission reduction and sustainable development goals will require data and insight to identify the best pathways to a low carbon economy.

The new 2018 edition will be particularly focused on green investment and innovation. These factors are critical for many emission-intensive economies to achieve their INDC targets set at the recent COP21 in Paris. As part of this focus, the GGEI is also collecting expert perceptions of how different actors perceive the vitality of green markets for investment and innovation. More details on that research can be found here.

The GGEI is published by Dual Citizen LLC, a private U.S.-based consultancy, and supported through revenues generated by data subscriptions, licensing, partnership, and other consulting offerings, often focused on building customized measurement frameworks for our clients. Learning from the GGEI supports clients from government agencies, international organizations, civil society and the private sector. The following sections offer full transparency about the data sources for the GGEI performance index, the perception survey, the underlying methodology, and how to subscribe to the GGEI or engage us in customized consulting assignments.