Publication - 2017 Peer Review Report: Geothermal Technologies Office
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Peer review is based on the premise that enlisting third-party experts to objectively evaluate the progress and impact of a technical project and/or program adds a valuable layer to technical project management. Peer review is essential in providing robust, documented feedback to EERE leadership to inform program planning. It also provides management with independent validation of the effectiveness and impact of its funded projects and program scopes. Knowledge about the quality and effectiveness of current projects and programs is essential in directing (or redirecting) new and existing efforts.
On November 13-15, 2017, the Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO, or the Office) conducted its biannual program peer review in Denver, Colorado. As part of the GTO 2017 Peer Review, 60 projects across 12 technology panels were reviewed by 29 reviewers. Additionally, a poster session was held on November 14th with 20 projects presenting. Projects in the poster session were not evaluated.
In addition to providing independent, expert evaluation of the technical progress and merit of projects funded by GTO, the review was a forum for feedback and recommendations on future GTO strategic planning. Further, this event afforded an opportunity for the geothermal community to share ideas and solutions to address the challenges facing the geothermal industry.
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