Publication - Enabling PV Nigeria

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Enabling PV Nigeria
German Solar Association – BSW

Published in
September 2018
Solar-PV has succumbed to a bad image based on the poor quality of the systems, due to unprofessional installations. A number of initiatives and a few Nigerian solar pioneers however, are working hard to resolve this image. Another more palpable, and probably the most relevant practical constraint for the growth of solar-PV today, is the lack of financing. Due to the low capital resources and purchasing power of large parts of the population, high inflation rates and the lack of experience with solar-PV, banks are less willing to provide loans for solar projects, and if they do, they do so at rates that make solar-PV plants unprofitable. Therefore, it is important to define business models that can work. Standardising business models is always a challenge, and this may be more so the case in Nigeria, where creativity is paramount in developing models that create win-win situations for all parties involved in realizing a solar-PV project. This ENABLING PV report presents different business models that each give direction as to how PV can be exploited in different segments and installation sizes.
