Publication - État des lieux du marché des kits solaires en Afrique : Acteurs, Marchés, Investissements, Produits et Tendances

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État des lieux du marché des kits solaires en Afrique : Acteurs, Marchés, Investissements, Produits et Tendances
Innogence Consulting

Published in
March 2018
This report outlines the status of the solar kit market under the Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model in Africa. In Africa, the sale of solar kits is expected to grow by 34% per year out of the four years to come. This development is mainly driven by the PAYG sector which provides a sizable share of the market investments in off-grid sector. It further highlights that most of the off-grid companies are rushing towards East Africa (due to their technophilic population) as compared to West Africa and central Africa.
