Publication - Understanding Multi-Level Drivers of Behaviour Change - A Cross-Impact Balance Analysis of What Influences the Adoption of Improved Cookstoves in Kenya

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Understanding Multi-Level Drivers of Behaviour Change - A Cross-Impact Balance Analysis of What Influences the Adoption of Improved Cookstoves in Kenya
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Fiona Lambe, Henrik Carlsen, Marie Jürisoo, Nina Weitz, Aaron Atteridge, Hannah Wanjiru & Gregor Vulturius
Published in
December 2018
The research described in this paper is part of the Behaviour and Choice Initiative, a multi-year research initiative by the Stockholm Environment Institute, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The initiative explores the factors that influence household choice and decision-making, with a specific focus on the uptake of technologies, services or changes of practice that lead to sustainable outcomes. It does so using case studies of drivers of behaviour and a range of analytical approaches. This paper relies on empirical data on the drivers of adoption of improved cookstoves in Kenya.

The paper outlines an approach for synthesizing empirical data from different analytical levels using the Cross-impact Balance (CIB) method in a way that is epistemologically consistent and documents its application. In so doing, we contribute a systemic view of how behaviour change with regard to the adoption of an improved cooking technology may – or may not – come about.

Furthermore, in order to explore consistent stories of behaviour change, the authors combine CIB with Scenario Diversity Analysis (SDA) as suggested by Kemp-Benedict (2012). Combining CIB with SDA allows us to reduce what might potentially be half a million combinations of scenarios – what we refer to in the paper as scenario kernels – to just four scenarios, which represents quite an efficient reduction.
