Publication - Access to Energy for (Micro) Businesses in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement
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Access to Energy for (Micro) Businesses in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement
SNV & Endev
Karlijn Groen, Susanne Hounsell, Merijn Havinga, John Muene Njogu (SNV)
Published in
December 2020
This report presents findings and recommendations based on a survey of 859 businesses in
Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei settlement in January 2020. The survey was designed to gain more insight into energy usage of businesses operating in the camps, and to inform product offerings and marketing approaches for off-grid solar and cookstoves
products. Survey results show that more than half (54%) of businesses in the camps use electricity for their business operations. 73% would like to obtain (additional) electricity access to have longer opening hours and expand their product and service offering, and 58% of businesses involved in cooking would like to switch to new cookstove types.URL
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