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Evidence for Action 2021: Looking forward to your submission
Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP)
Call for Papers/Abstracts

Evidence for Action:

Aligning the Climate and SDG Agendas

Online International Research Symposium 20-22 July 2021

We call out to the academic and international development communities to join us in this Symposium and provide evidence of policies and measures that jointly advance climate goals and other SDGs, that help to coordinate and accelerate the realisation of both the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda. We aim particularly to highlight actions for transformative change at the local, national and global levels that advance justice and ensure that no one is left behind.

Submitting Abstracts

Abstracts are invited for presentations or sessions on:

  1. Specific policies and measures that further both the climate and SDG agendas, and encourage accelerated and coordinated action on climate goals and the other global goals at all levels.
  2. Governance arrangements that further the goals of both the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda by supporting policy coherence and pluralistic and adaptive institutions.

We welcome abstracts that fit under one or more of the four Symposium themes. (Examples are given for illustration only; we welcome other abstract topics that fit under these themes):

Theme 1. Climate Adaptation and the SDGs

  • Integrating climate adaptation plans into national and local programmes of poverty alleviation;
  • Developing climate adaptation measures that complement and reinforce the ‘end hunger’ goal and other SDGs;
  • Linking of climate adaptation planning with disaster risk reduction strategies;
  • Devising climate adaptation measures in the water sector that help achieve SDG targets for equitable access to water supply and protection of water quality;
  • Identifying actions that strengthen individual and collective agency to act on measures for climate adaptation and the SDGs;
  • Creating institutional arrangements that enhance local institutions’, and indigenous knowledge holders’, capabilities to lead on both climate adaptation and complementary sustainable development efforts;
  • Developing methods for recognising, valuing and integrating local and indigenous knowledge in climate adaptation plans that also advance the SDGs;
  • Developing nature-based solutions to climate adaptation that also advance development goals.

Theme 2. Climate and Environmental Justice

  • Identifying the commonalities between goals for climate justice and environmental justice, and how these concepts can be unified;
  • Addressing the underlying structural causes of injustice and inequality, including gender inequality, to ensure that responses to climate change and other global challenges are just and equitable;
  • Harmonising goals for climate justice with the targets for justice and equality in SDGs 4, 5, 10 and 16, advancing efforts to achieve transformative justice in the domains of climate, energy, food, water and conflict;
  • Identifying novel combinations of ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ strategies (state-based, legal, financial, activist, gender-sensitive, pro-poor) that address climate and environmental injustice;
  • Describing case studies and developing methods in which social groups vulnerable to climate and environmental stresses gained influence over adaptation and development strategies (local to national scales);
  • Identifying participatory methods for engaging local communities in climate and environmental justice issues.

Theme 3. Climate and Health

  • Mitigating the long-term impacts on health of climate change (life course epidemiological impacts);
  • Identifying models for ‘climate-resilient’ health systems and ‘climate-smart’ health care facilities;
  • Factoring public health protection into the design of climate mitigation and adaptation policies including carbon pricing and the reform of fossil fuel subsidies.
  • Assessing how climate-related health outcomes including mental health depend on the relative vulnerability and exposure of different populations and their access to health services.
  • Coping with the spread of disease vectors under climate change, including the changing ecology of vectors;
  • Addressing impacts of a warming climate on food safety, including its impacts on food storage;
  • Coping with health effects of more frequent, and/or more severe, heatwaves;
  • Addressing impacts of extreme precipitation events (droughts and floods) on health, including mental health impacts, and the spread of infectious diseases;

Theme 4. Green Recovery and the Transition to Sustainability

  • Describing how the concepts of circular economy and de-growth can provide a framework for jointly achieving climate goals and SDGs;
  • Identifying examples of green energy infrastructure that contribute to local and national net zero emission goals as well as universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services (SDG 7);
  • Analysing the potential impact of remote working and communication on climate goals and SDGs for energy, sustainable cities, and others;
  • Understanding the potential for post-COVID travel patterns and clean transportation systems to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and provide access to safe, affordable, accessible transport systems for all (SDG 11);
  • Analysing strategies for net zero energy buildings that reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and ensure access for all to safe and affordable housing and other SDGs and enhance participatory settlement planning and other targets in the SDGs;
  • Developing innovative approaches that anticipate and respond to future shocks, factor in uncertainty, and support system-level change towards more equitable and robust development pathways.

The ‘Evidence for Action’ Symposium invites contributions from all disciplines and intellectual traditions. We particularly encourage researchers and development professionals from the Global South to share your evidence and insights.

Deadline for submitting abstracts April 14, 2021

Expected notification of accepted abstracts May 5, 2021

To submit your abstract for an individual presentation or a panel session, please click on this link and follow the instructions (you will have to register on the abstract management software).

For more information: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/ssrp/research/evidence-for-action