Opportunity - Call for forum proposals
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Call for forum proposals
The congress organizers are also inviting you to submit proposals for forums to be held at SWC 2021. A congress forum is a 90-minute moderated session that provides diverse points of views and stimulates audience discussion on a specific topic that is either within a congress theme, across several themes, or on renewable energy topics not directly covered by the congress themes.
See the SWC 2021 Themes and Topics here. Please note, that you can also submit forum proposals for ISREE-14, the 14th International Symposium on Renewable Energy Education.
All forum proposals must include a specific topic to be addressed and identify a moderator and 3-4 speakers who will participate. Proposals must be submitted via email to swc(at)ises.org by 1 April 2021 using the following form: https://www.swc2021.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/SWC2021_Forum_Submission_Form.pdfDeadline