Publication - Analysis of the Implications of the Value-added Tax on Clean Cooking in Kenya

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Analysis of the Implications of the Value-added Tax on Clean Cooking in Kenya
Clean Cooking Alliance
Clean Cooking Alliance
Published in
June 2021
A key policy objective of the Government of Kenya (GoK) is to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 target of universal access to clean cooking solutions by 2028. This objective—publicly announced at the Nairobi Clean Cooking Forum in November 2019—is motivated by the many benefits of cleaner cooking solutions, including improved livelihoods, health, environmental quality, and climate change mitigation. However, since only 18% of households currently use clean fuels and only 23% of households use improved cookstoves (ICS),1 Kenya needs to rapidly expand access to cleaner cooking solutions in order to achieve this goal.
