Event - Mastering Clean Hydrogen (Live Online Course)
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- Climate Change
- Energy Efficiency
- Worldwide
Dates: 2 – 12 August 2022 www.infocusinternational.com/hydrogen
Overview This comprehensive course is designed for those seeking a wide-ranging, hype-free and independent perspective on the markets and supply chain activities which will (and won’t) drive demand for clean hydrogen. You will have a clearly explained, business-focused perspective on the competitive context of hydrogen across its various use cases. You will be able to separate what is actually happening in the market from the headlines and hype, and to identify the drivers and credible near-term opportunities for your business. You will evaluate barriers to hydrogen within certain market segments and its competitive advantages in others, illustrated by examples from a global perspective.
Course Sessions 1. Hydrogen market segmentation and assessment 2. Examining key hydrogen applications and markets 3. Producing hydrogen from renewable power 4. Storing and moving hydrogen 5. Developing and growing hydrogen value propositions
This course is scheduled to take place over 5 live online sessions using virtual learning technology.
For more information, please visit: www.infocusinternational.com/hydrogen
To register/enquire, please contact: Emilia Mok Email: emilia[at]infocusevent.com
Tel: +65 6325 0210