Gender-Responsive Climate Finance Consultant

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Gender-Responsive Climate Finance Consultant

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Job title
Gender-Responsive Climate Finance Consultant
Climate Policy Initiative
Remote working

Type of job
temporary contract
15 months

Language of description
Job description
Position Summary

We are seeking a consultant with expertise in gender equality and climate finance to support the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance ( All work is expected to be conducted virtually.

Aiming to fill existing gaps with regards to gender-responsiveness in climate finance, CPI is launching a new Gender Equality workplan under the Lab. Activities of this work plan will contribute not only to uncovering the gaps and needs for gender-responsive climate finance but will also build awareness in entrepreneurs and proponents of financial solutions on the value of incorporating a gender lens into their instruments and projects. Through a new thematic window within the Lab, CPI will also work to identify the most impactful financial solution targeting gender-responsive climate finance, ultimately contributing to climate finance benefiting more women and girls around the world.

Two main outcomes are expected through this workplan:

  • Outcome 1: Raise awareness among existing Lab proponents and produce early thought leadership on gender equality and climate finance (including a scoping study to identify and explore the existing ecosystem of gender-responsive climate finance).
  • Outcome 2: Launch a gender-specific call for climate finance solutions with the objective of selecting and developing one innovative financial solution in the 2023 Cycle that has climate mitigation/adaptation and gender equality as target outcomes, and the explicit potential to mobilize capital into climate projects with gender-related outcomes.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of the Senior Program Associate, the Gender-Responsive Climate Finance consultant will utilize their expertise to provide direct input and thematic / technical guidance into the activities under the Lab’s Gender Equality workplan.

Outcome 1: Thought Leadership on Gender Equality and Climate Finance (completion of a scoping study on gender equality and climate finance to uncover gaps and inform the 2023 Lab Gender-Responsive thematic window).

The main activities expected of the consultant to contribute to this outcome include:

  • Support and guide data collection and analysis of existing gender-responsive climate finance, mapping the ecosystem and uncovering gaps (including guiding CPI analysts to the most relevant databases/resources)
  • Provide technical and thematic input into the analysis and drafting of the scoping study
  • Support drafting of the Gender-Responsive Climate Finance scoping study, to be completed by October 2022 (specifically reviewing the draft scoping study produced by the two CPI analysts)
  • Share the findings from the scoping study, presented to the Lab Leadership Team and FinDev Canada colleagues, particularly highlighting what the results mean for the 2023 Gender Equality stream outreach and idea development.

Outcome 2: Launch of the 2023 Gender Equality Lab Stream (identification and development of one innovative climate financial instrument that has gender equality as the main outcome).

The main activities expected of the consultant to contribute to this outcome include:

  • Contribute to the screening of proposals submitted during the Call for Ideas (to screen out any gender-washing ideas; identify the ideas with the strongest components; and ultimately select the idea with the most potential for change)
  • Provide input and follow closely the one instrument from the 2023 Gender Equality Lab thematic stream to ensure that all steps are taken in developing a strong instrument that can direct capital towards gender-responsive climate action. This includes supporting the identification of indicators and a monitoring plan that idea proponents can use to demonstrate concrete impact once the idea is implemented.
  • Provide technical/ thematic guidance to other Lab instruments during the 2023 cycle. Although the consultant’s main responsibility will be to follow and support the Gender Equality idea throughout the analytical development process, the consultant will also be expected to provide light-touch support to the other ideas in the 2023 Lab cohort that may not have a specific focus on gender equality, to ensure that a strong gender equality approach is embedded into the design of these instruments as well.


25 July – 14 October 2022

Brainstorming session with Lab leadership team; Literature review and data collection; Input in drafting the scoping study (supporting the two CPI analysts)

Up to 23 working days

15 October – 15 Dec 2022

Support promotion and outreach for 2023 Call for Ideas Gender Equality stream

Up to 2 working days

09 January – 20 February 2023

Support screening of ideas for the Gender Equality stream

Up to 5 working days

02 March – 15 September 2023

Provide technical/thematic guidance to the idea under development in the Gender Equality stream (as well as light-touch support for ideas in other streams)

Up to 60 working days

Professional Qualifications & Competencies

  • Education/Training: Master’s degree or equivalent in finance, economics, international development, gender studies, or another relevant subject.
  • In-depth expertise and substantive knowledge of gender equality, climate change, and finance, particularly in emerging markets.
  • At least 5 to 7 years of professional experience in or with international development organizations, consulting, research institutions, policymaking, or financial institutions
  • Proven experience in gender with application in climate finance projects, transactions, or instruments. Relevant expertise may include, but is not limited to, gender-lens investing, gender analyses, gender-budgeting, and/or gender impact management.
  • Strong analytical skills and working experience with crisp, concise writing.
  • Language: Excellent business language skills in English are mandatory.


CPI is hiring for one Consultant position, open immediately. The role can be remotely based.

Further information:

To Apply visit this link:
Application deadline

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