Climate Change Situation Cambodia

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Because of its geography, the lacking development in economy, health services, infrastructure, etc., the prevailing severe poverty (esp. in rural areas) and because of the great dependence of the population on natural resources for their livelihoods, Cambodia is highly vulnerable when it comes to climate change (9th rank World Risk Index 2011 Vulnerability ranking catastrophes and natural disasters). Vulnerability is not as immediate though as it is in Bangladesh, for instance, which is why climate change has only recently been brought on the agenda, mainly by donors. Cambodia is interested in additional funding. Focus on adaptation in infrastructure, food security, health and water management.

Vulernabilities (e.g.)

• Higher precipitation rainy season – flooding, lower precipitation dry season – drought.
• Increasing food security and water stress (rice cultivation and fisheries)
• Faster degradation of forest resources, loss of wet-forest ecosystems
• High economic infrastructure costs
• Increasing stress on population (esp. Women and children) due to disasters
• Flooding and increasing salinization of coastal areas
• Increasing involuntary migration reinforced through climate change impacts
• Increased prevalence of diseases (malaria, dengue, etc.)

Challenges (e.g.)

• Limited information on local impacts
• Low awareness in government and administration
• Limited institutional, personnel and technical capacities
• Weak cross-sector and cross-regional coordination
• Lacking suitable technologies and data
• Lacking reliable disaster control and forecast mechanisms
• Lacking budgetary funds