Opportunity - SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 For Digital and Sustainable African AgTech and FoodTech Start-ups

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SAIS Investment Readiness Programme 2023 For Digital and Sustainable African AgTech and FoodTech Start-ups
  • Other
  • Financing and Business Models
  • Worldwide
Are you running a tech start-up and want to challenge the status quo of the agriculture and food tech industry? Do you have a solution that makes the industry more sustainable and profitable while at the same time empowering value chain actors? Do you want support to learn how to raise investment, reach more customers, and have a more significant impact?

Then this unique (and free!) acceleration programme is for you! What do we offer? The SAIS Investment Readiness Programme (IRP) offers African tech start-ups from the agriculture, food, and livestock sectors a year-long tailor-made support program to make you investor ready and scale up your business! (Available in English and French)

Regular sessions of personalized coaching with local and international experts Tailored to your specific and individual needs, during which strategies and measures for rapid growth will be developed and implemented.

Access to online training (tailored) Structured around several key themes to develop your start-up further, e. g. Pitch Training, Growth Strategy, Data Analytics & Management, Term Sheet, Valuation, Market Analysis, Marketing & Sales, and so on.

Integrating you into a local hub (optional) To get you a workplace for 6 months and facilitate contacts with major players in the local start-up scene, if needed.

Access to additional services to optimize certain key areas of your business, e. g. legal advice, online marketing, digital product optimization, design, and coding.

Access to the GIZ network of our global presence, local expertise, far-reaching networks, and years of experience working with the private sector, investors, and business partners. The network can help you to improve the visibility and contacts with start-ups nationally and internationally through participation in national, regional, and international events dedicated to African entrepreneurs.

Add-on: Programme for Female Leaders In addition to the above-mentioned, we offer special support for female founders and women in leading positions of the start-ups:

Our Female Leader Circle meets with the aim of bringing women in leadership positions together, networking and learning from each other. Input sessions on topics that are of special interest for female leaders serve as a starting point for discussion.

A bi-annual Female Founders Award recognizes the achievement of female founder