Renewable Energy in Kenya (GIZ) - Renewable Energy

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Renewable Energy in Kenya

Energy, Transport and Climate Change Cluster
Objective (DC Program): The modernization of the renewable energy sector contributes to sustainable economic development, improving the quality of life of the population and achieving Kenya's climate targets.
Total Volume: ~ 62.000.000 EUR

Power System Readiness for Variable Renewable Energies (vRE)

OBJECTIVE: Improve the preconditions for system-friendly and cost-efficient integration of Variable Renewable Energies (VRE) in the Kenyan electricity grid.
2019 - 2023

  • Energy policy - Improve capacities to prepare technical facts / statements for policy and public dialogues on VRE power system integration.
  • Energy planning - Improve analytical and planning capacities to increase the power system’s VRE-readiness.
  • Regulations - Support EPRA to improve regulatory capacities for increasing the power system’s technical and economical VRE-readiness.
  • Operations - Provide developers, power plant and grid operators with up-to-date expertise for the VRE - compatible design and operation of the power system.

Energy Solutions for Displacement Settings in Kenya (ESDS)

OBJECTIVE: strengthening the Turkana County Government to implement KISEDP focusing on access to sustainable and affordable energy solutions through promotion of market-based approaches. 2019 - 2022

  • Policy - Energy county policy and sector plan, capacity development and coordination within Turkana County Government.
  • Electricity Supply - Higher-tier electricity supply to refugees, host communities and institutions in Turkana West sub-county – expansion of Kalobeyei Settlement mini-grid and extension of distribution network (village 1,2 and 3).
  • RE Supply - Renewable energy supply within UNHCR compound and infrastructure in the camp/settlement;