Renewable Energy in Kenya (GIZ) - Cooking Technologies

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Renewable Energy in Kenya

Energy, Transport and Climate Change Cluster
Objective (DC Program): The modernization of the renewable energy sector contributes to sustainable economic development, improving the quality of life of the population and achieving Kenya's climate targets.
Total Volume: ~ 62.000.000 EUR

Promotion of Climate-Friendly Cooking: Kenya and Senegal – GCF CoFi (GCF)

OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate an innovative ICS market transformation strategy in Kenya, and at improve global knowledge about ICS sector as contribution to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
2020 - 2024

  • ICS Sector Growth - Accelerate the growth of the ICS sector, in more remote locations with market transformation.
  • Growth Formal Businesses - Provide professionalization kits and investment packages to grow to formal businesses.
  • Emissions Reduction - Ensure good quality products & contribute to emission reduction.

Energizing Development Kenya (EnDev)

OBJECTIVE: Facilitate Sustainable access to modern energy services for households, social institutions and small to medium-sized enterprises has increased. 2019 - 2022

  • Cooking Energy - promoting access to modern and improved cooking solutions (ICS).
  • Off-Grid Electrification - promoting access to stand-alone solar systems.
  • Complementary Projects - The Swiss co-funded ‘Social Impact Incentives’ (SIINC) project, The USAID co-funded Smart Communities Coalition Innovation Fund (SCCIF), Sustainable Energy for Small Holder Farmers (Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda), EnDev Innovation Fund – Promotion of PUE consumer financing through VSLAs.

Energizing Development - African Bio-digesters Component (EnDev ABC)

OBJECTIVE: Facilitate a shift of the biodigester market from its pioneering to the expansion phase with focus on the installation of over 20,000 small-scale and 250 medium scale biodigesters. 2022 - 2025

  • Result-Based Finance (RBF) facility - Provision of result-based financing for small-scale biodigesters to provide the last push needed for the biodigester market to reach a critical mass of clients within Kenyan farmers.
  • Enabling environment - Ensure that the policies, regulations, standards and tax regimes are conducive to the development of biodigester companies.
  • Capacity Development - Biodigester companies will benefit from technical trainings of their own staff, of financial institutions on the benefit of biogas and bio-slurry. We will also support knowledge creation and provide market intelligence.