Toolbox Entry: SGREEE-AA1: Revision of Viet Nam’s Smart Grids Roadmap. Smart Grid Index Evaluation Methodology

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Last edited on 24/11/2022 by Hector Alfaro
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

General Information

ID Number
Main Author
Publication Year
Type of Entry
Study Report
Active management of distribution grid
  • Smart grids (AMI, smart meters, etc.) increase

Which of the above categories best describe the material
Active management of distribution grid
Geographical Scope of the Publication
Viet Nam

Reference project name
Smart Grids for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

this document presents the methodology and work plan proposed by DERlab to analysis the current Smart Grid roadmap and identify the gaps and challenges. Moreover, it would position Viet Nam Smart Grid development in comparison to other countries. Furthermore, DERlab would propose some recommendations at the end of the project to update and improve the Viet Nam Smart Grid Roadmap.