Opportunity - Energy Globe Award 2023

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Energy Globe Award 2023
Energy Globe Foundation
  • Impacts
  • Other
  • Climate Change

The Energy Globe team knows that there are amazing projects all over the world that are saving our environment. Sometimes small projects, developed by creative and innovative people and entrepreneurs, have enormous effects on our life.

And all of these sustainable projects are presented by Energy Globe at a national and global level, motivating people to act for a livable future.

Therefore, we ask and invite you to present your sustainable project for the Energy Globe Award. All submitted projects take part in the national Energy Globe Award in the implementation country and also in the international Energy Globe World Award. Today, submissions from more than 180 nations take part and show the solutions for our future. And we are very proud of being the most important award for sustainability worldwide.

All projects that improve the situation of our environment can be submitted, also campaigns for sustainable awareness.

The categories are the elements of life: earth, fire, air, water, and youth, representing our future.