Promoting Productive Use of Electricity in Displacement settings

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GIZ, through the Energy Solutions for Displacement Settings (ESDS) project, seeks to address the lack of a sustainable energy supply in Kalobeyei integrated settlement (KIS) and Kalobeyei Town, Kenya, which hosts 3,500 host community members and 47,700 refugees respectively.

Increased energy access through the mini-grid sys�tems presents the opportunity for the host commu�nity and refugee residents, businesses, and institu�tions in Kalobeyei to expand their electricity usage to livelihood and income generation activities; so-called ‘Productive Use of Electricity’ (PUE). In addition, the uptake of PUE appliances can contribute to the financial sustainability of mini-grids due to increased power consumption. To this end, the ESDS project de�signed and implemented a campaign aimed at ‘sensi�tizing households, businesses and social institutions on available opportunities and potential for income generation through PUE in Kalobeyei integrated settlement (KIS) and Kalobeyei town in Kenya.