Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Vidéos

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Programme Energies Durables

(P.E.D.) au Sénégal

Ici, vous pouvez trouver tous les vidéos liés au Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D).

Vidéos P.E.D.

SENEGAL: Solar energy to support a sustainable artisanal fishing industry
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SENEGAL: Use of Solar photovoltaic energy in the transformation of baobab and moringa.
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SENEGAL: Processing of agricultural products for local food autonomy with solar photovoltaic energy
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Solarization of multiservice farmers' pole of Keur maba for the pre-treatment & processing of millet
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SENEGAL: Solarization of a cold room for the conservation of market gardening productions
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L'énergie solaire, un moyen pour impulser le développement économique local
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