Opportunity - Call for papers - Future Electricity Tariffs

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Call for papers - Future Electricity Tariffs
Energy Policy
Call for Papers/Abstracts
  • Grid

The Special Issue “Future Electricity Tariffs” aims to improve the design and implementation of electricity tariffs. Tariffs results from a complex decision-making process as different objectives (cost recovery, efficiency, simplicity, and transparency...) tend to conflict with each other and different consumer groups may be affected in different ways by different designs. The process should therefore be addressed and analysed with a transdisciplinary approach to deal with all issues arising (quantitative, qualitative, policy design, design of indicators...). We invite submissions on the following topics:

- Grid charges, energy charges and interactions between them

- Distribution network tariffs

- Congestion management mechanisms at the distribution level

- Tariffs for different security levels (or service priority)

- Different approaches for risk hedging

- Retail competition and rules for tariff switching

- Financial hedging requirements for suppliers and other regulatory aspects

- Attractiveness of tariffs for users