Event - Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Clean Cooking

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Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Clean Cooking
Online Seminars
  • Cooking
  • Other

2024/09/12 10:00AM CEST
2024/09/12 11:30AM CEST

Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are central to RVO's SEE – Clean Cooking program, and to the sustainability of clean cooking and bio-slurry markets it seeks to establish. Involving women as users, entrepreneurs and employees is critical for generating demand, increasing adoption, and reaching scale, while at the same time benefiting women and their families.

ENERGIA supports the SEE - Clean Cooking program to integrate GESI in all its activities and outcomes. Part of this intervention has been the development of a Lessons Learned Report. Purpose of the report is to support project implementers as well as enterprises, in their efforts to engage women in the clean cooking and bio-slurry markets, by showcasing good practices and lessons that others in the sector have learned.

On Thursday September 12 we will launch the report. We will be sharing the main insights of the report and invite two of the featured good practices to share their experience.