Solar Training for Technicians

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Suggested modules for the theoretical training:

  1. Solar PV systems, general description
  2. Concepts of Physics
  3. Terminology and basic concepts of electricity
  4. PV System Components:
    • PV Module
    • Battery
    • Battery charge controller
    • Inverter
    • Appliances 
  5. Design of PV Systems
  6. Maintenance
  7. Troubleshooting and repair

Suggested modules for the practical training:

  1. Security Measures
  2. Working tools and materials
  3. Electrical Installations
  4. Measurement instruments
  5. Connection of PV Systems


Training Author/Language Description
Solar PV systems Technical Training Manual

Herbert A Wade



Year 2003

Text document 123 pages

Level: Medium-Advanced

Visual and well organized manual. Friendly and detailed explanation with many graphs and illustrations. Cover the modules suggested.

. . .



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