Solar Home System (SHS) - Climate Protection

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Green House Gas (GHG) Reduction Potential of Solar Home Systems (SHS)

"Savings of 9 tonnes of CO2 equivalent GHG emissions within a 20-year period of use of one single 50 Wp SHS"; => 0.45 t CO2/year[1]

"Typical SHS of 10-50 Wp will directly displace roughly 0.15-0.30 tons of CO2 per year through fuel substitutions mostly of kerosene."[2]

"During a previous analysis of 8 case studies, it was found roughly 0.25 tons of CO2 per average system of 44 Wp per year would represent a conservative but reasonable global value. […] 70% of the analysed emission reductions were actually higher than 250 kg."[3]

Further Reading


  1. Posorski, Rolf et al.: Does the use of Solar Home Systems (SHS) contribute to climate protection?, 2002, Renewable Energy, Volume 28, Number 7, June 2003, pp. 1061-1080 (20).
  2. REPP: Steven Kaufman: Rural Electrification with Solar Energy as a Climate Protection Strategy, Research Report No. 9, 2000.
  3. Martens et al. (2001): Towards a streamlined CDM process for Solar Home Systems.