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► Back to Financing & Funding Portal


Grants can be provided for demonstrations, pilot projects, to develop the market or to buy down the cost of the technology. Grants for finance have often been used to develop “revolving funds” for renewable energy finance. Unfortunately their long term success rate has been low.

Grants often originate from private foundations, but can also be provided by international development organizations like the World Bank (WB), the ADB, the GEF, U.N agencies, bilateral funding organizations and governments[1].

  • The money received is not expected to be paid back.
  • Experimental and unproven technologies can be used with lowered financial risk to implementers.

  • Usually a complicated process must be followed to access grant funding that may take years to complete.
  • There often is a loss of flexibility in purchasing, administration, project location and system designs since donor agencies place many requirements on the implementation process.
  • A large administrative cost to meet donor requirements is common.
Source:Wade, H. (2005). Financing Mechanisms for Renewable Energy Development in the Pacific Islands.[1]

Further Information


  1. 1.0 1.1 Wade, H. (2005). Financing Mechanisms for Renewable Energy Development in the Pacific Islands.