Rural Electrification Program - Economic and Financial Analysis
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Rural Electrification Program - Economic and Financial Analysis
Title of Document | Rural Electrification Program - Economic and Financial Analysis |
Abstract | The objective is to increase access to electricity of rural households in villages and further improve the financial performance of Electricité du Laos (EdL).The document includes an example of economic and financial analysis.Summary Economic Analysis: at a 10 % discount rate, the economic benefit for the grid extension subcomponent i s estimated at a NPV of US$ 84.49 million; and for the off-grid SHSs, the economic benefit per SHS ranges from the NPV of about US$ 209 to US$ 313, depending on the size of the system. Summary Financial Analysis: for the grid extension component reveals that under the current subsidy arrangement and tariff regime, the grid extension component will have a NPV of US$ 4.39 million at a 10 % discount rate, and the off-grid investment subcomponent, ranging from US$ 43.77 to US$ 200.13 per SHS. |
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Original Source | World Bank |
Year | 2009 |
Region/Country | East Asia & The Pacific - Lao (PDR) |
Language(s) | English |
Document Type | Project Financing- Examples of Economic & Financial Analysis |
Technology | Hydro Micro/Pico Solar Photovoltaic (PV) |
Connection Type | Off-grid |
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