Micro Hydropower (MHP) - Off-grid to On-grid

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Many isolated micro hydropower (MHP) schemes supplying decentralised electricity to surrounding villages are abandoned when the national grid arrives in the area.
Some projects are involved in launching the concept of a power exchange agreement, in which case the micro grid will connect as a single entity to the national grid. The MHP will feed through the micro grid into the main grid. The net intake or output of the micro grid will be the basis of payment between the utility and the entity responsible for the MHP and micro grid.

Small Hydropower Promotion Programme (SHPP), Nepal

The Small Hydropower Promotion Programme (SHPP) from GTZ in Nepal project was involved in launching the concept of the power exchange agreement (PEA), in which case the micro grid will connect as a single entity to the NEA grid (much like a REE as described above). The MMHP will feed through the micro grid into the main grid. The net intake or output of the micro grid will be the basis of payment between the utility and the entity responsible for the MMHP and micro grid.

Further Informaiton
