Heating Stove (PA Technology)

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Last modified by Axel Heinemann on 2014-12-15. This is a wiki so please feel free to update information by clicking on "Edit with form". | Printable version

Name of technology example: Type
Heating Stove
Cooking Stoves.jpg
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
☐ Alternative Methodology
Description More than half of the world's population—three billion people—cooks their food indoors using open fires or rudimentary stoves. Indoor burning of solid fuels releases toxic pollutants including particulate matter and carbon monoxide. These harmful cooking practices cause an estimated 1.9 million premature deaths annually (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 2010). As the household members most likely to cook family meals, women and children are most affected. The reliance on biomass fuels in developing nations has put considerable pressure not just on the safety of families, but on the environment as well, increasing both deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

Source: http://cookstoves.lbl.gov/

See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cook_stove

Technology for the Application of
Solar Biomass ☐ Biofuel
☐ Biogas ☐ Wind ☐ Geo-Thermal
☐ Hydro Energy Efficiency
☐ Other: /
Primarily Relevant for the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps
☐ Mechanization ☐ Efficiency of Operation Processing
☐ Transportation ☐ Controlled Atmosphere Controlled Temperature
☐ Mechanical Sorting Preservation
☐ Other: /
Primarily Relevant for the following Agricultural Value Chain Activities
☐ Grinding ☐ Hauling and conveying ☐ Sorting
☐ Seedbed Preparation ☐ Milling ☐ Tearing
☐ Planting ☐ Washing ☐ Mixing
☐ Pumping Heating Drying
☐ Irrigation ☐ Cooling ☐ Animal feeding
☐ Fertilizing ☐ Venting ☐ Animal health and Welfare
☐ Pest Management ☐ Lighting ☐ Packing and branding
☐ Cutting Sanitation
Other: Cooking, Sterilization
Primarily Implemented in the following Commodity Groups
Cereals Fruits and vegetables ☐ Nuts and berries
☐ Forage Dairy products Meat products
☐ Oil Seeds ☐ Roots and Tubers ☐ Eggs
Pulses ☐ Fiber Crops ☐ Forestry
☐ Sugars ☐ Stimulants ☐ Spices
☐ Other: /
Region & Country of

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
N/A: Region of development cannot be named
Region & Country of
Current Deployment

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ N/A: /
Region & Country of
Potential Deployment

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ N/A: /
Manufacturers Stovetec (http://stovetecstore.net/shop/)
Economics Efficient use of biomass (wood)
Technology Development Level Well established regional use;
Required Maintenance Technical Level Basic: Technology can be maintained through its life cycle with common tools and a universally understood maintenance manual;
Required Infrastructure for Deployment Basic: Technology can be developed with common tools, low development level supporting technologies, universally understood construction manuals and untrained personnel;
Required Resources during manufacture
Required Resources during operation
Local availability;
Deployment Capability and Potential The technology can be widely deployed but resources or material supply and distribution chains are required;
Requirements for Deployment
Relevance for Autonomy and Food Security Technology and Service independent: requires supporting energy;
Environment Impacts (emissions) Less emissions than open Cooking fires;
Conformity with Bio- Cybernetic System Rules yes;
Additional information / Comments No comments.
Internal Reference
Additional Links





Turbo Cucina, El Salvador http://vimeo.com/2613223



"Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy," is not in the list (Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Alternative Methodology) of allowed values for the "PAT Type" property.