Off-Grid Photovoltaics (PA Technology)

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Last modified by Axel Heinemann on 2014-12-15. This is a wiki so please feel free to update information by clicking on "Edit with form". | Printable version

Name of technology example: Type
Off-Grid Photovoltaics
Off-Grid Photovoltaics.jpg
☐ Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Alternative Methodology
Description A stand-alone, or off-grid system is not connected to the electrical grid. Standalone systems vary widely in size and application from wristwatches or calculators to remote buildings or spacecraft. If the load is to be supplied independently of solar insolation, the generated power is stored and buffered with a battery. In non-portable applications where weight is not an issue, such as in buildings, lead acid batteries are most commonly used for their low cost and tolerance for abuse.

A charge controller may be incorporated in the system to: a) avoid battery damage by excessive charging or discharging and, b) optimizing the production of the cells or modules by maximum power point tracking (MPPT). However, in simple PV systems where the PV module voltage is matched to the battery voltage, the use of MPPT electronics is generally considered unnecessary, since the battery voltage is stable enough to provide near-maximum power collection from the PV module. In small devices (e.g. calculators, parking meters) only direct current (DC) is consumed. In larger systems (e.g. buildings, remote water pumps) AC is usually required. To convert the DC from the modules or batteries into AC, an inverter is used.

In agricultural settings, the array may be used to directly power DC pumps, without the need for an inverter. In remote settings such as mountainous areas, islands, or other places where a power grid is unavailable, solar arrays can be used as the sole source of electricity, usually by charging a storage battery.


Technology for the Application of
Solar ☐ Biomass ☐ Biofuel
☐ Biogas ☐ Wind ☐ Geo-Thermal
☐ Hydro ☐ Energy Efficiency
☐ Other: /
Primarily Relevant for the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps
☐ Mechanization ☐ Efficiency of Operation Processing
☐ Transportation ☐ Controlled Atmosphere ☐ Controlled Temperature
☐ Mechanical Sorting ☐ Preservation
☐ Other: /
Primarily Relevant for the following Agricultural Value Chain Activities
☐ Grinding ☐ Hauling and conveying Sorting
☐ Seedbed Preparation Milling ☐ Tearing
Planting Washing Mixing
Pumping Heating ☐ Drying
Irrigation Cooling ☐ Animal feeding
Fertilizing Venting ☐ Animal health and Welfare
Pest Management Lighting ☐ Packing and branding
Cutting Sanitation
Other: All value chain activities with electrical power demand
Primarily Implemented in the following Commodity Groups
Cereals ☐ Fruits and vegetables ☐ Nuts and berries
Forage ☐ Dairy products ☐ Meat products
Oil Seeds Roots and Tubers Eggs
Pulses Fiber Crops Forestry
Sugars Stimulants Spices
Other: All commodity groups with electrical power demand
Region & Country of

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
N/A: Region of development cannot be named
Region & Country of
Current Deployment

South Asia
East Asia & The Pacific
Europe & Central Asia
Latin America & The Caribbean
Middle East & North Africa
North America
☐ N/A: /
Region & Country of
Potential Deployment

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ N/A: /
Manufacturers Many manufacturers in many countries;

You find a market overview for Germany at this website:

Economics Due to increasing fuel prices, PV is becoming more and more the choice to provide electricity. Also full supply stand-alone devices become economic in comparison to fuel powered electricity.
Technology Development Level High;
Required Maintenance Technical Level Low;
Required Infrastructure for Deployment
Required Resources during manufacture Complex Technology, must be delivered in total from large facilities.
Required Resources during operation Replacement of batteries;
Deployment Capability and Potential Very high;
Requirements for Deployment None - besides education of local people for installation and maintenance of batteries/charges;
Relevance for Autonomy and Food Security Very high;
Environment Impacts (emissions)
Conformity with Bio- Cybernetic System Rules Yes;
Additional information / Comments No comments.
Internal Reference
Additional Links

"Renewable Energy, Alternative Methodology" is not in the list (Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Alternative Methodology) of allowed values for the "PAT Type" property.