China Heat Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Project

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China Heat Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Project

Title of Document China Heat Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Project
Abstract See Annex 9: Economic and Financial Analysis (Incremental Cost Analysis)

The incremental cost analysis was carried out for a projected 6 billion m2 of net growth in the urban residential building stock and associated heating systems in the cold and severe cold regions between 2004 and 2024. Under the baseline/business-as-usual scenario, improvements in the three key areas of the residential space heating “chain” will be very slow and limited in scale and scope, i.e.: (i)market penetration of ore energy-efficient new residential buildings will occur very gradually, (ii)heat metering, consumer heat controls, and consumption-based billing will be introduced at a very modest pace; and (iii)a relatively small proportion of the huge and growing stock of residential building heat supply systems will adopt modem demand-driven operation and technologies.

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English: China Heat Reform and Building Energy Efficiency Project.pdf

Original Source World Bank
Year 2005
Region/Country East Asia & The Pacific - China
Language(s) English
Document Type Project Financing - Examples of Economic and Financial Analysis

Sector Buildings, Power and District Heating

<ul><li>Property "EEPRC abstractsearch" (as page type) with input value "ßsee annex 9: economic and financial analysis (incremental cost analysis)the incremental cost analysis was carried out for a projected 6 billion m2 of net growth in the urban residential building stock and associated heating systems in the cold an" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "EEPRC abstractsearch2" (as page type) with input value "ßold and severe cold regions between 2004 and 2024.under the baseline/business-as-usual scenario, improvements in the three key areas of the residential space heating “chain” will be very slow and limited in scale and scope, i.e.: (i)market penetration" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>"Buildings, Power and District Heating" is not in the list (Appliances, Buildings, HVAC, Industry, Multisector, Power and District Heating, Public Lighting, Solid Waste, Transport, Urban Planning, ...) of allowed values for the "EEPRC Sector" property.</li></ul>