Publication - Decreasing costs of renewables in Argentina (Two Parts)

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Decreasing costs of renewables in Argentina (Two Parts)
New Climate Institute
Marie-Jeanne Kurdziel, Leonardo Nascimento, Markus Hagemann, Hanna Fekete, Gustavo de Vivero
Published in
September 2020
Decreasing costs of renewables – Implications for Argentina’s climate targets and Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Argentina.

Recent analyses developed by Fraunhofer ISI and NewClimate Institute show that faster and steeper than expected cost reductions for certain key mitigation technologies over the past five years can lead to an increased technology uptake and to a higher level of climate ambition, if the initially intended investment sum is maintained. The here presented technical assessment builds on the previously developed methodology to estimate the potential impact of investment cost reductions for renewable energy technologies (solar photovoltaics (PV) and onshore wind) on Argentina’s climate targets in the NDC.

In a subsequent analysis, interviews with Argentinian stakeholders were evaluated to investigate two questions: 1) whether and to what extent technology cost progressions are being considered in current planning and policy making processes in the climate and energy sector, and 2) where potential new entry points for a further consideration of these cost progressions could lie in the future. Both questions require a careful analysis of the actors and institutions in the field, as well as of the processes and tools that could potentially influence decision making in the climate and energy sector.


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