ACCESS Knowledge Portals

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Questions? Comments?

Please feel free to contact us and ask any questions! Please start a discussion on this Talk:ACCESS Knowledge Portals. All your comments and suggestions are very welcome in order to collect all gaps and ultimately fill this knowledge portal.

Knowledge Portals

CSOs have been acknowledged for playing a decisive role, specifically in a few key subject areas that are essential to achieve SDG7. The purpose of these Knowledge Portals is to highlight these topics and focus the debate around them in terms of the current obstacles and knowledge gaps. Ideally, these discussions will lead to ways in which CSOs and other stakeholders can help increase the delivery and impact of energy access. The portals are meant to serve as a collaborative space to identify existing and needed knowledge as well as a repository to increase awareness and educate on complex topics that matter to the most vulnerable people.
The Knowledge Portals intend to present a cohesive definition of different sensitive topics, which are key for the successful delivery of SDG7 and current efforts from the CSO community. The portals will provide information on the ‘What’, ‘How’, and ‘Who’ of the specified topics.

  • What: definition, context, and current obstacles/knowledge gaps
  • How: required actions considering existing best practices
  • Who: outline of active contributors in the sector and current multi-stakeholder analysis

Last Mile

Last mile communities are those that are remote (or remain isolated), poor, and/or marginalized...

Productive Uses

  • Icon-Productive Use.png

Productive uses of energy can be defined as the use of energy to power activities that result in income for the community and its individuals...

Energy Access in Decentralization Contexts

Knowledge Gaps
Decentralized energy solutions are the more feasible solution to grid extensions...
  • Failures and challenges of grid-based electricity
  • Decentralized as a complement to the grid/ centralized approaches.
  • Current technical, financial and policy related challenges in actually integrating DRE.

Low Carbon Energy Transition

Coming soon...

ACCESS coalition Logo ACCESS.jpeg overview