An Efficient Mechanism for Cross-border Support of Renewable Electricity in the European Union

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An Efficient Mechanism for Cross-border Support of Renewable Electricity in the European Union

Title of Document An Efficient Mechanism for Cross-border Support of Renewable Electricity in the European Union
Abstract In Towards2030-dialogue Issue Paper No.8 we propose and put forward to discussion a new mechanism for cross-border support of renewable electricity in the European Union.

The mechanism would be designed as an EU wide cross-border auction in that Member States and generators of RES-e bid prices indicating their willingness to pay for, respectively their costs of additional RES-e generating capacity.

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English: An Efficient Mechanism for Cross-border Support of Renewable Electricity in the European Union.pdf

Original Source
Year 2016
Region/Country Europe & Central Asia -
Language(s) English
Document Type Other - Report
Technology General RE
Connection Type Other

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