Event - COP 26 Side Event: Accelerating the Implementation of SDG 7 in Support of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: Increasing Resilience and Ensuring No One is Left Behind
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COP 26 Side Event: Accelerating the Implementation of SDG 7 in Support of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: Increasing Resilience and Ensuring No One is Left Behind
UN-Energy (Lead: UN-Energy secretariat at UN DESA, IAEA, UNITAR, WMO, UNECE, UNESCAP)
Online Seminars
- Climate Change
- Renewable Energy
- Other
2021/11/09 11:30 am CET
2021/11/09 12:45 pm CET
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Skomer (Multimedia Studio 2) and Virtual
The event will showcase short-, medium-, and long-term actions committed at the High-level Dialogue representing elevated ambition and focusing on resilience through the following lens: Physical resilience: how do we build back better to create reliable, flexible and climate-resilient energy infrastructure that can withstand the more and more damaging extreme weather manifestations? How do we strengthen energy system resilience? How can these energy systems serve in remote locations and environmentally fragile areas of the world? Economic resilience: how do we engineer a timely energy transition that delivers growth and jobs? How do we leverage the power of markets, provide a price for carbon to drive investments to clean energy? Do the energy interventions take into account the most vulnerable people in displacement and other fragile areas? Social resilience: how do we ensure a just energy transition? How can we best support groups and communities heavily affected, especially displaced people and host communities? How can we best phase-out fossil fuel subsidies while protecting the energy poor? How do we establish mechanisms to ensure the full participation of the most vulnerable such as displacement-affected people?