Hydro Battery Charging Station

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Micro Hydro Power (MHP) delivers constant power output as it uses a constant water flow. There is no need to store energy if there is a power grid connected which is able to absorb the MHP's (excess) output.

Battery Charging with Electricity from Hydro Power


Island grids, or isolated grids in remote regions do not have a constant power demand. Due to similar usage patterns of most clients, energy consumption peeks in need as well as in excess. During periods of excess energy production battery charging may be an option. So households which are located away from the power lines can get battery powered lighting or Radio/TV.
New techniques like LED-lighting or flat screens have small energy consumption. Therefore its powering by battery becomes more feasible. Rechargeable battery, LED-equipment and the required charging services have substantial costs. As such services are scale able from a "single lamp" up to "24 hr TV-entertainment" it may be financial stable. Robust equipment, proper maintenance and social acceptance are preconditions to establish such an "energy kiosk".

Experience from Projects

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Description of the Battery Charging System in Mozambique

EnDev Project - Energising Development Project

Acceso Modernos os Servicios de Energia in Mozambique (AMES-M) includes battery charging statons in the project activities.

The aim is to offer a solution to remote houses which are too far from a micro or pico hydro site to benefit from a local mini grid. These houses then have access to energy by acquiring a battery kit (battery+charge controller+inverter).

Some villagers already have experiences using a battery and an inverter for domestic devices like Cellphone charger, TV, DVD players and lighting to a limited extent. It has been observed that they use second hand car batteries, poor quality inverters and incandescent bulbs. For charging the batteries, they use second hand solar panels connected directly to a second hand car battery.

Currently the evaluation of the next potential sites is being done:

Further Information
