Hydropower - International Organisations

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International Hydropower Association (IHA)

Website: http://www.hydropower.org

The International Hydropower Association (IHA) was established in 1995 under the auspices of UNESCO as a forum to promote and share good practice and further knowledge about hydropower. Today IHA aims to advance sustainable hydropower’s role in meeting the world’s growing water and energy needs as a clean, renewable and sustainable technology. With members active in more than 80 countries, IHA is a non-governmental, mutual association of organisations and individuals. Its membership is open to all those involved in hydropower. In addition, IHA has consultative and/or observer status with all United Nations agencies addressing water, energy and climate change. The objectives are:

  • Championing continuous improvement and sustainable practices;
  • Building consensus through strong partnerships with other stakeholders;
  • Driving initiatives to increase the contribution of renewables, especially hydropower

International Association for Small Hydro

Website: http://www.iash.info

The International Association for Small Hydro (IASH) was established in September 1994 with headquarters in New Delhi. The Association draws its member from all countries who are associated with eminent engineers in the field of small hydro. The objectives of IASH are:

  • To promote research, planning, consulting on construction, operation of small hydro including mini and micro;
  • To provide a suitable forum to the specialists planners, designers, manufacturer and users for interaction on latest development of SHP sector through organizing workshops and international conferences;
  • To provide an information service by publishing course material/manuals/conference proceeding/half yearly news letters, etc.

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European Small Hydropower Association

Website: http://www.esha.be

The European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA) is a non-profit international association representing the sector of small hydropower. The association was founded in 1989 as an initiative of the European Commission. ESHA is structured as a federation of EU national hydropower associations and is open to members from all sectors involved in small hydropower, i.e. equipment manufacturers, public utilities, independent producers, consultants, etc. ESHA serves to create a platform for actors in the field of small hydropower (from national associations to research institutions and industry) to represent their interests at the European level. Its main activities are:

  • Informing and lobbying local authorities, national governments and the , as well as the European Parliament about SHP issues (economic, technical, institutional and environmental aspects);
  • Organization and promotion of conferences and seminars (e. g.: Hidroenergia conferences every two years);
  • Information services to members, e. g.: newsletter, ESHA website, carrying out of relevant studies and publications;
  • Cooperation with institutions outside of Europe, such as the International Network on Small Hydropower (INSHP), based in China, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India, etc.

ESHA encourages the exchange of technology and information, and organizes studies to analyze environmental, legislative, technical and economic factors, which affect small hydropower.

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International Network on Small Hydropower

Website: http://www.inshp.org/main.asp

The International Network on Small Hydro Power (INSHP) is an international coordinating and promoting organization for the global development of small hydro power, established on the basis of voluntary participation of regional, sub-regional and national focal points, relevant institutions, utilities and enterprises. The establishment of INSHP was co-sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Industry Development Organization (UNIDO), the Ministries of Water Resources (MWR) and of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) of People's Republic of China. The major objective of INSHP is to promote social benefit.

INSHP aims at the promotion of global SHP development through technical and economic cooperation among developing countries, developed countries and international organizations. Small hydro will supply the rural areas in developing countries with environmentally sound, affordable and adequate energy, which will lead to the increase of employment opportunities, improvement of ecological environment, poverty alleviation, improvement of local living and cultural standards and economic development in rural areas.

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UNIDO Regional Centre for Small Hydro Power

Website: http://www.unidorc.org

UNIDO is developing a large umbrella regional programme with a special focus on South-South cooperation to establish and implement about 100 SHP projects in Africa, and replicate them in other regions such as Latin America and Asia. The UNIDO Regional Centre Trivandrum (Kerala, India) provides:

  • Training and capacity building in the area of Small Hydro Power;
  • Feasibility studies, analysis, design, development and implementation of SHP systems in the region;
  • Detailed project reports on SHP implementation in the region including site selection and site survey;
  • Regional seminars; Internships for graduating professionals to do research in assessment of the potential and use of renewable energy in Kerala;
  • Information network on renewable energy and small hydro power.

The UNIDO Regioanl Centre acts as a sub centre for the International Network for Small Hydro Power, Hangzhou, China.

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IEA Hydropower Implementing Agreement

Website: http://www.ieahydro.org

The Hydropower Implementing Agreement is a working group of IEA member countries that have a common interest in advancing hydropower worldwide. Countries that are not members of the IEA can also join. The member Governments either participate themselves, or designate another organization in their country to represent them on the Executive Committee. The mission of the Executive Committee is to “encourage through awareness, knowledge, and support the sustainable use of water resources for the development and management of hydropower”. To accomplish its Mission, the Executive Committee has identified the following programme-based strategy:

  • Apply an interdisciplinary approach to the research needed to encourage the public acceptance of hydropower as a feasible, socially desirable form of renewable energy;
  • Increase the current wealth of knowledge on a wide array of issues currently associated with hydropower;
  • Explore areas of common interest among international organizations in the continued use of hydropower as a socially desirable energy resource; Encourage technology.

Particular information about the work of the special Task Force on Small Scale Hydropower can be found here: http://www.ieahydro.org/annex2.htm

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Further Information
