Linguni youth club (Cookstove DB)

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Establishment/Project Data

ID: 42874
Linguni youth club
Type: Production centre (portable stoves)
Start: Year establishment started business 2013/01/01
Technology: Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ICS produced: 22,500 ICS sold: 22,100 Date: 2016/01/30
Employees (total): 0|.|,}} Female: 0|.|,}} Male: 0|.|,}}
Programme: Programme under which establishment is active MuREA/MOBILISE/Inter aide


Chitetezo Mbaula Malawi.jpg

Location Data

District: Phalombe
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TA: Mkhumba
GVH: Group mahoriya
Village: Mahoriya
Road: Accessibilty/Road (Distance in KM to primary road) 2 km
District information
Area in sq. Km: 1,394 km²
Population: 429,450
Tree cover (%): 8 %


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