Micro-hydro Power - Catchment Area Management Poster (EnDev Indonesia 2013)

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The performance of micro-hydro power (MHP) schemes is directly linked to environmental conditions in the upstream catchment area. Deforestation and trampling of vegetation cause erosion, especially in hilly topography, and as a consequence greatly increase the level of silt in river flows. Silt in turn acts as a corrosive and abrasive agent to MHP civil and mechanical infrastructure. "Destroying trees, destroys turbines" is the core message shared with rural communities.

EnDev Indonesia thus promotes general environmental protection measures, like slope stabilisation and reforestation, at MHP sites. Disseminating environmental consciousness is fully integrated into EnDev Indonesia’s village management team (VMT) trainings.

The poster, conceptualised and designed by EnDev Indonesia, is made available to VMTs and generally dispalyed in the MHP power house, a community centre or school classroom.

EnDev Indonesia - Catchment Area Management Poster (English).jpg

The electronic version of the Catchment Area Management Poster (EnDev Indonesia 2013) is available for adaptation and production by third parties.


Further Information
