Monitoring Glossary

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Term Definition
Absolute poverty line Absolute poverty line is set as an absolute level below which consumption is considered to be too low to meet the minimum welfare level acceptable. Direct Calorie Intake Method, Food-Energy Method, and Cost of Basic Needs Method could be obtained to set absolute poverty line.
Categorical Data A set of data is said to be categorical if the values or observations belonging to it can be sorted according to category. Each value is chosen from a set of non-overlapping categories.
Cluster Sampling Cluster sampling is a sampling technique where the entire population is divided into groups, or clusters and a random sample of these clusters are selected. Cluster sampling is typically used when the researcher cannot get a complete list of the members of a population they wish to study but can get a complete list of groups or 'clusters' of the population.
Confidence Limits Confidence limits are the lower and upper boundaries / values of a confidence interval, that is, the values which define the range of a confidence interval.
Estimate An estimate is an indication of the value of an unknown quantity based on observed data.
Extrapolation Extrapolation is when the value of a variable is estimated at times which have not yet been observed.
Independent Sampling Independent samples are those samples selected from the same population, or different populations, which have no effect on one another. That is, no correlation exists between the samples.
Interval Scale An interval scale is a scale of measurement where the distance between any two adjacents units of measurement (or 'intervals') is the same but the zero point is arbitrary.
Median The median is the value halfway through the ordered data set, below and above which there lies an equal number of data values.
Mode The mode is the most frequently occurring value in a set of discrete data.
Percentile Percentiles are values that divide a sample of data into one hundred groups containing (as far as possible) equal numbers of observations.
Population A population is any entire collection of people, animals, plants or things from which we may collect data. It is the entire group we are interested in, which we wish to describe or draw conclusions about.
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) A method of measuring the relative purchasing power of different countries' currencies over the same types of goods and services. Because goods and services may cost more in one country than in another, PPP allows us to make more accurate comparisons of standards of living across countries. PPP estimates use price comparisons of comparable items but since not all items can be matched exactly across countries and time, the estimates are not always "robust".
Quartiles Quartiles are values that divide a sample of data into four groups containing (as far as possible) equal numbers of observations.
Random Sampling Random sampling is a sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has a known, but possibly non-equal, chance of being included in the sample.
Range The range of a sample (or a data set) is a measure of the spread or the dispersion of the observations. It is the difference between the largest and the smallest observed value of some quantitative characteristic and is very easy to calculate.
Representative sampling The population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum.
Sample A sample is generally selected for study because the population is too large to study in its entirety. The sample should be representative of the general population. This is often best achieved by random sampling. Also, before collecting the sample, it is important that the researcher carefully and completely defines the population, including a description of the members to be included.
Sample mean The sample mean is an estimator available for estimating the population mean . It is a measure of location, commonly called the average.
Standard Deviation Standard deviation is a measure of the spread or dispersion of a set of data.
Standard error Standard error is the standard deviation of the values of a given function of the data (parameter), over all possible samples of the same size.
Statistic A statistic is a quantity that is calculated from a sample of data. It is used to give information about unknown values in the corresponding population. For example, the average of the data in a sample is used to give information about the overall average in the population from which that sample was drawn.
Time Series A time series is a sequence of observations which are ordered in time (or space). If observations are made on some phenomenon throughout time, it is most sensible to display the data in the order in which they arose, particularly since successive observations will probably be dependent. Time series are best displayed in a scatter plot. The series value X is plotted on the vertical axis and time t on the horizontal axis.
Variance The (population) variance of a random variable is a non-negative number which gives an idea of how widely spread the values of the random variable are likely to be; the larger the variance, the more scattered the observations on average.
