Opportunity - Call for Case Studies & Videos Electric Mobility and Decentralised Renewable Energy Innovations in Emerging Economies
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- Mobility
- Other
- Renewable Energy
- Algeria
The publication will highlight innovative e-mobility solutions that provide sustainable transportation means for people in rural and peri-urban areas. The geographical scope of the publication will be global with a particular focus on emerging and developing economies.
The background info and case study template including the video submission guidelines are provided here: https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OauFlydesg3TxgPlNsn6AuxQjaxgEHsmfaXi_Q0p6Nf8sMlcXEifakHltGf4DYVQaN3f8qoWn2KPzOAUCU7jjA0C7qlLXPJjSkrWHi5Nts8wHO6Ve-aQNjR2Lk-VGNbHmfIRlVVoPoHv6UHJF6qXuyudQND-zp7az_7S7rh8XSm1zH4EhRYnxk389u4RiglGF8Xv_QZRjt0_-Pn5oFPnyj_TJWJ5qD-BSJer456C963OWNDy8iGaHpr7QRsSQSEYCDmsjTlc_39QO1aMyIWAhA==&c=j28SUlUcNr1uTcOfVIva8aOgjlP1prDFuZQiz3XzPLZ40zztWpdZBQ==&ch=OC0PIY4JC6FU9fZ6FUb60-bInZgCA1FPekGn7sr3jCQFvzqMkXoYWg==
The deadline for submissions: 29 August 2022
Contact persons: Mr. Deepak Mohapatra (d.mohapatra@ruralelec.org) Senior Officer – Business & Market Development, ARE
Ms. Caroline Kantono (c.kantono@ruralelec.org) Business and Market Development Intern, ARE
Mr. Robin Kuranel (R.KURANEL@unido.org)
Associate Expert, UNIDO ITPO Germany