Opportunity - Call for Papers: Energy and Decarbonisation in Southeast Asia Compendium

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Call for Papers: Energy and Decarbonisation in Southeast Asia Compendium
The Climate Change in Southeast East Programme
Call for Papers/Abstracts
  • Other
  • Energy Access
  • Policy and Regulation
  • Worldwide
Energy transition and decarbonisation efforts in Southeast Asia face a number of critical challenges, such as the lack of finance, slow uptake of existing technologies, lack of political will, among others. Due to these impediments, Southeast Asian countries largely continue to follow the conventional path of development, which requires the utilization of fossil fuels and the degradation of natural resources.

Against this backdrop of complex policy choices facing the environment and economic development, the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute is organising a workshop and compendium as a platform for policymakers, practitioners and scholars to discuss the opportunities and challenges to energy transition and decarbonisation in Southeast Asia.

As such, the Climate Change in Southeast Asia Programme at ISEAS would like to invite policymakers / scholars / practitioners to:

Write an article of not more than 6000 words on a chosen topic for Energy and Decarbonisation in Southeast Asia (planned publication in last quarter of 2023) Present their paper at an online workshop (scheduled between September – October 2022).

The workshop and compendium will adopt a broad understanding of the process of energy transition and decarbonisation, which includes actions at the grassroots, national and international levels. The workshop will facilitate social, political, environmental and economic analyses of energy transition and decarbonisation in Southeast Asia. Papers that analyse technological issues through a social sciences framework will also be considered.

Potential contributors are to submit an abstract of 300-500 words to climatechange@iseas.edu.sg with a short bio-data by Friday, 26 August 2022. Following a selection process, contributors will be invited to submit their first draft and attend the online workshop. The deadline for the completed article is one month after the workshop. All submissions must be original and not published previously in any format. Completed articles will be accepted for publication if specified criteria and editorial requirements are met. Any questions about the compendium can be directed to climatechange@iseas.edu.sg. For more details, see here: https://www.iseas.edu.sg/mec-events/call-for-papers-energy-and-decarbonisation-in-southeast-asia-compendium/