Opportunity - Call for Proposals - The Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset
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Call for Proposals - The Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset
The Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset (KliK)
Call for Papers/Abstracts
The KliK foundation aims to procure eligible emission reductions in the form of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (“ITMO”) through a process that leads over several formalised stages to a forward Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreement (“MOPA”). The current draft of the Swiss CO2 law implies a total amount of 54 Mt of CO2e in compliance requirement for the KliK foundation.
Government Agencies may submit their proposals as Mitigation Activity Idea Notes (“MAIN”) outside of competitive tender processes for private organisations. Irrespective, the KliK foundation applies in its pre-selection the same basic criteria, as in the private tenders. Pre-selected proposals are invited to be developed further in a Mitigation Activity Description Document (“MADD”). Pre-selected activities will be awarded with a Letter of Support (“LoS”) and the subsequent preparation of the MADD will be financially supported by the KliK foundation. The preparation of the MADD will involve close consultation with the involved countries. The Mitigation Outcome Purchase Agreement (“MOPA”) is conditional to a binding bilateral agreement between the governments of the countries that governs the transaction and due execution of mutually agreed modalities.